In which cities we can send “Khushabi Dhoda” & “Khushabi Mithaian” to Pakistan by using Dhoda Online?
By using our services you can send “Khushabi Dhoda” & “Khushabi Mithaian” to Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi and other major cities of Pakistan.
What variety do you have as “khushabi soghat"?
We offer “khushabi dhoda, rawarian and pateesa” which you can send to your loved ones within Pakistan.
What is your diameter control?
We never compromise on quality. We take care that customer’s entire satisfaction is very very much important. So, we are supplying you the supreme taste of “Khushabi Dhoda” & “Khushabi Mithaian”.
Can we send “Khushabi Dhoda” & “Khushabi Mithaian” to Pakistan on same day?
No. Your order will be delivered within 24 to 48 hours of requested date.
How I can make payment?
We accept U.B.L. Omni, Easy Paisa & Visa debit card over the phone.
If I have not Card/Debit Card? So how I can pay?
Do'nt worry, we suggest you to pay through U.B.L.Omni, Mobi-Cash, Electronic Money Order, Easy Paisa as well as through online banking transaction. please contact us.
How much time do you proceeds to deliver after the payment?
On receiving the cash amount we  shall confirm your order and the demanding sweet shall be sent immediately.
Do you deliver free greeting cards?
Yes, we use to send free mini greeting cards with every parcel. But on special demand you will pay the extra service charges.
Do you send us “Khushabi Dhoda” & “Khushabi Mithaian” on holidays?
No. We deliver only in days from Monday to Friday. 
